here is a small retrospective of events which have occurred during this period of time.
part one.
i got back some film.

rob, sb, luke and i went to the reka/meggs/phibs/deb exhibition at Mc Culloch Gallery.
nayfong was absent for reasons that cannot be disclosed on this such media.

i don't get what's so funny..

sb gave the event the horns.

smoko. i look like a man.

males. walking away.
nice shoes douches.
the end of the night.
then i had the joyous honour of attending 'cousins' day' in colac with some distant relatives.
you can imagine the awesomeness of the day.

this is my baby cousin zara. she's crazy in the coconut.

i got a little tipsy, went to the bathroom and took a photo.
hence the awesomeness.

this tree is near rob's house. it reminds me of harry potter.

this is elle.
she hides.
the end of part one.
part two.
we went and saw cut off your hands on friday 25th July.

epic nose dive.
is that rob on stage?! ha ha.

oh, girllllllll.



seeing double.

cup your hands.



then twas home to sleeps.
end of part two.
part three.
we saw Tokyo Police Club on 29th July at Ding Dong.

Yves klein blue supported (again)

rob was down for shoe props.

then twas time for tpc.

they played everything i'd hope for and more.
so much hype.

the keyboardist was even more hyped.
glasses steeze.

^ ^

jake came with us.
he has a giraffe neck.

the guitarist had the greatest t-shirt. it had animals all over it.
but he was far away, so i couldn't get a decent photo of it.

then they finished after an hour set.
so we headed off to the station and came home.

i like the perspective of the mammoth escalator at parliament.
both rob and jake got things signed by dave, the lead singer of tpc.
rob, disappointed he didn't grab a set list, got a inpress mag signed.

the best part was that dave actually stopped and thought of what he was going to write.
"what's up albert?"
"not much dudes."
we later found out albert sold out on his gig the next night.
jake was fortunate enough to receive a set list.

such a good set.
no friends but box.
the end.
hopefully the next post won't take so long or be so epic.
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