on the crime investigation channel.
oh, the excitement.
this week's edition sees the case of Aileen Wuornos:

"a hitch-hiking hooker was arrested in January 1991 for the murder of seven men in the woods of Florida...dubbed the world's first female serial killer."
she's the character Charlize Theoren plays in 'Monster'.
last sunday, steph &i watched the case of the 'BTK strangler' - 'Bind Torture Kill' aka Dennis Rader,
who "murdered 10 people between 1974 and 1991. he wrote letters soon after the killings to police and to local news outlets, boasting of the crimes and knowledge of details."
steph& i were home alone, and aren't usually frightnened at watching such documentaries, but this was bad.
i guess because it spanned over 2 decades. like he was waiting to strike again.

eww creepy.
but so very interesting.
i'm glad steph shares my passion of c.i.
ha ha.
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