it's pretty gnarly, fascinating stuff. so glad I get to do it.
my scanner sucks, so the quality of the image ain't the greatest.

head, neck & superficial upper thorax.

head, neck & superficial upper thorax.
this guy looked like et & a human procreated & he was the result haha.
he would've died peacefully but the dissecting doctor decided to open on of his eyes up.

a more anal drawing of the cadaver above.
the cadavers are usually only seen/studied by med students,
but the fine art department & anatomy departments at monash
decided to make a super subject for fine art students to study
the body under the skin as well.
we still do traditional life drawing too, with life models but
focus moreso on landmarks of the body,
i.e. bones, muscles which can be seen through the skin.

right side of head, deep dissection.

paratoid & upper cervical regions.

right side of neck.

frontal neck.

thoratic inlet & mediastinum.
hope you still have an appetite intact haha
amazinggggggg, I am so jealous of your serial talents.
(this is kristen)
waw waw woww
okay im def taking anatomy drwing next semester.
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